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WE ARE SITTING DUCKS FOR ANOTHER 9/11! Gubment shutdown. Defenses down. Intelligence community crippled. When will it hit?

Another gift tied with a bow courtesy of "the boss". We are now very weak and unprepared to handle any crisis. The "boss" is the crisis and well as you can see he is winning handily by doing nothing at all. Very clever isn't he? So it was Saudi Arabia that was responsible for the FIRST 9/11. Which country will it be this time? Iran? North Korea? Russia? Syria? Turkey? Or Saudi Arabia again since their first was a big success and then we had a president who wasn't colluding and conspiring with the enemy. Just think how very easy it will be this time? Are you prepared? SIGH.

Posted - January 23, 2019


  • 10780
    We are a nation divided (politically, racially, sexualy, religiously)
    We are a nation despised by the rest of the world
    We are a nation in debt
    We are a nation in chaos

    The time is ripe for a change.  We've had time to change from within (change ourselves), but we refused.  The next "change" will therefore come from without.  9/1 was merely a warning - and we refused to head it.  Yes, we "lashed out" when it happened, but since them we have become complacent.  We are more concerned with making sure our own personal rights aren't violated that we stopped caring about the "rights" of our neighbors. 
    Greed is our staff.  We pursue money/wealth at all costs - even sacrificing others lives to obtain it.  Corporations grow wealthy on the backs of their employees (slaves).  CEO's (and such) go home each night to big, lavish, warm houses loaded with food and drink.  While those that work for them scavenge garbage cans hoping to find a free crumbs just to silence their rumblimg bellies.  As the sun sets they huddle themselves and their families in alleyways, under road crossings or beside a bush, praying that the night won't be too cold as their ragged clothes don't provide much warmth. 
    Pride is our footwear.  "Ours is the greatest nation on earth!", we cry as we walk upon its crumbling infrastructure.  We boast that our military can defeat any other nation on earth, all while mocking out veterans.

    Is it any wonder our leaders are like this too?  Our nation has become fat, lazy, and self-indulgent.  We are a nation ripe for slaughter.  Yet instead of doing something about it, we merely criticize the leaders WE elected and allow to "rule" us.  Change WILL come ... if not from within, them from without.  History shows us this repeatedly.  Another "9/11" WILL come.  But instead of towers coming down, the entire nation will fall.  And things will never be the same again.
      January 23, 2019 11:20 AM MST

  • 113301
    We are currently in the throes of it. Seemingly impotent to fight it. It is very sad that a country which began as a test case has not lived up to the potential imagined for it. We do not have "the right stuff". We are always victims of the most cruel eivil madmen. Repeatedly. Perhaps it is written in the stars. Our FATE. What we deserve. SIGH. Alas poor Yorick I knew thee well. This is how the world ends. This is how the world ends. This is how the world ends. Not with a bang but with a whimper. Thank you for your very thoughtful and very spot-on analysis  Shuhak. The shock is that millions see the opposite. They love what is happening here and support it and defend it and attack those who dare say anything critical of it. Day after day after day after day the things that change change for the worse not the better. People are cheering and clapping and dancing and popping champagne corks to guzzle it and get drunk on it and doing their high fives . While others are starving to death. Or dying of disease or wars or neglect. So what, right? So what?  :(
      January 24, 2019 2:24 AM MST