Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Whomever makes the ultimatum OWNS THE OUTCOME. No matter what puppetboy sez he owns all of this. Forever. Black or beauty mark?
If Dems accept the term of this hostage taker then guess what? Futurely there will be gubment shutdowns happening each time he wants something. We cannot give him anything while a gun is being held to our heads. If his base turned on him with vigor and anger would he do the right thing? I dunno. I guess if Putin gave him permission. But then you have that awesome dame Ann Coulter who calls the shots and also that fat drug addict Rush Limbaugh. Will they ever climb aboard the "right thing to do" bandwagon? Of course not. So we're stuck. How do we get unstuck? Not by capitulating to the demands of a madman. Thank you for your reply Sharon.