Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Are there things you do/say "in spite of" or "despite" or "even though"? Do you overlook ignore forgive as you go or no? Why?
Because of my nicotine addiction, I chose to smoke for many years despite the warnings.
When I worked at the "hoity toity" health club, I got a tattoo despite their conservative rules against such. When they asked me if I would cover it with a Bandaid, I did for a few days, then, despite their request, I stopped covering it up. (it was just a flower, nothing crazy).
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at January 25, 2019 2:42 AM MST
Condolences lavender. I gather you have stopped smoking? Congrats on that. As for the tattoo how old were you when you did that? I have seen every inch of people's arms and necks and legs tattooed and wonder why they would subject themselves to the pain they must have endured. Not to mention the time and EXPENSE of that. I don't like pain. I also don't know why women pierce their ears. I never did. Don't see the point in adding holes to my body I was not born with. Simple me. What did the flower symbolize to you? What kind of flower? Some folks make the mistake of tattooing the name of their current mate/love and when they break up they have to get it removed. Double pain seems to me to be quite inane if not insane. Removing or changing a tattoo must hurt too. Some tattoo the names of their kids. Not so bad. Your kid is your kid forever. When Johnny Depp was engaged to Winona Ryder decades ago he had her name tattooed on his arm.."WINONA FOREVER". When they broke up he had WINONA changed to WINE. Kinda a** i nine though. WINE FOREVER? Seriously? Anyway I guess folks have a right to do whatever the he** then want to do to and with their bodies. I see women with blue hair or multicolored. They do it to get attention. I mean why else would you do it? Or nose rings or lip rings or tongue rings. They are making a statement. What that statement is I have no idea but it seems grotesque to me. As I said I never even had my ears pierced. Thank you for your reply. Again congrats for getting that monkey off your back. :)
Yes, It's been about 3 or 4 years since I've stopped smoking. I was about 36 years old when I got the tat. My best friend and I went to Tahoe and chose one that we both got. She passed away six years ago this May, so it means even more to me. Tats aren't for everyone, I get it. The pain - I didn't experience much pain myself, but everyone's threshold is different. And thank you! Quitting smoking was the hardest thing I think I have ever done. Looks like I quit just in time though, because cigarettes cost a fortune.
It is an achievement of which you have every right to be proud sweetie! Pain tolerance differs so much from person to person. I wonder why that is? I'm gonna ask! As for the cost of those death sticks I guess some folks would rather smoke than eat! Go figger! The baddest thing about smoking is the second-hand smoke which can be and often is lethal to others. My brother-in-law (Jim's sister's husband) died of lung cancer. His name was Larry. Jim's sister Jo died a few years later of emphysema caused by Larry's smoking. So it not only harms the smoker but those who live with them! Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday lavender! :)
Chatted several times nicely with an ex friend who is trying to be friendly again! Whatever...life is too short to sweat the small stuff.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 3, 2019 2:53 AM MST
I totally agree with thee Cinders. I don't hold grudges. It makes no sense to me to carry that kinda baggage around with me 24/7. I avoid folks whom I don't enjoy engaging with mostly. Sometimes I check in with them just to see what they have to say and if it is sameold sameold sameold time-wasting blather I move on. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday m'dear! :)