Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Nancy Pelosi thinks it very interesting to note the kinds of people trump surrounds himself with. Do you think likewise or elsewise? Why?
Name ONE person in that Administration that is above reproach? ANY ONE?
They are all grifters and cons of billion dollar conglomerates. Those are the ones with money and power, the others are yes men who could not get a job in anywhere USA for what they could bring to the table. They are all incompetent losers who have zero qualifications for anything they have been selected for.
It boggles the mind. You could write a book on each one of them from Hope Hicks to the former Speaker of the House, Paul the pig Ryan and find nothing but embarrassing crimes and incompetence. It is not to be believed. It will take decades to sort through this mess.
That is one of the VERY BEST graphics I have ever seen vis a vis puppet boy. I don't know where you get them but you surely do bring out the best of them to share with us for which I thank you very bigly. To answer your question? Well maybe MATTIS ? He took it and did his best as long as he could and then with that typical stupid dumb puppet boy move (we will pull our troops out of Syria) without discussing it with him was the straw. He made his bed and he is gonna lie in and lie in it and maybe die it. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)