Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The very dense make no sense to anyone but others like them. Why do they get enraged when we don't agree with their nonsense?
Trump rages nearly every day. On Twitter, at his WH minions, at his cabinet meetings. Is he on the left? Alex Jones got forced off social for his hate speech. Another lefty? Ann Coulter (I dare you to call her a leftist) is raging too, ...about Trump.
‘The Left’ just means anyone who disagrees with you, right?
This post was edited by Don Barzini at January 28, 2019 6:18 PM MST
So, as I read it, the “Right” is only speaking their mind but the “Left” (according to you) is enraged. But not Tweetstormin’ Trump? Not the other well-known conservative “Righties”, whose bile you don’t acknowldge simply because you ”...do not keep with and am not a fan of either of them”. Speaks volumes.
You’ve laid bare your double standard, and undermined your first post. Blinded by bias.
This post was edited by Don Barzini at January 28, 2019 1:10 AM MST
I do not consider a tweet however worded an example of being enraged.
Then people are dragged out of their cars by others who believe they know how that person voted in the election. Or when people set fire to cop cars and political headquarters. Rioting in the streets. Because they do not like the results of an election or court case. But no a tweet storm or venting on any other social media site is not by the left or the right is not what I call enraged.
There are idiots on both sides, just because they support President Trump (if they do) does not mean President Trump supports them. Antifa is a terrorist group of the left. Again both sides have idiots.
No, not duplicity....it called not being a hypocrite. I don't care, left or right or whatever, if you are an idiot, you are an idiot. That is not deceitful that is called having morals and an equal standard for all.