OIL OF COURSE! So mebbe puppet boy wants to send troops in fight to against Maduro and take the spoils of war which of course is the oil? What's going on here? Anyone know? Will this be the puppet war of choice to take the heat off his being investigated for high crimes and misdemeanors? Whatcha think?
I'm afraid I don't understand it either.
I wonder if anyone knows what really goes in DJT's mind, in international affairs.
The USA has a history of backing what it thinks advantageous to itself - right or wrong horse. I learnt only this morning that it had openly supported the Shah's regime in Iran, then held secret talks at diplomatic level to co-operate with the revolutionary regime that replaced him. It might have worked... if both sides could have followed the spirit of those talks.
Mr. Trump sees the EU as an "enemy" and is pleased Britain is leaving it. When the UK was wanting to join what was then the European Economic Community in the first place, the USA was all for it. Why? Well, in both cases, certainly not because the White House thought it good for Britain and Europe, but good for the USA.