Ask for a list of specifics and you get a list of specifics. I know it was long and most people don't want to read long posts. But it was still facts of why Trump is Great and Making America Great Again. There is so much copy paste was necessary...just hard to remember everything.
Personally as long as it facts, I don't care if it is copy paste or free thought.
This post was edited by my2cents at January 29, 2019 7:02 AM MST
Not sure what free thought has to do with canned Spam but I like it. And though I never much cared for "make America great again" I do understand it. When I was young we were allowed to be free to live our own lives and serve our God. To make our own mistakes and learn our own lessons. To succeed or fail on our own and learn from both. To enjoy just being ourselves. And that was the greatness which is sorely missed today when we have government people who want to control our every thought and action and attitude as though they somehow know best what is good for us or anyone else. Free thought is much more valuable than fine gold or three meals a day or the most advanced technology but unfortunately it is also very fragile. We can sell off or give up our freedom if we wish but then we are no longer free but have made ourselves slaves.
Canned spam? That would be pretty bad. But I don't know might be better than a dish someone thinks up themselves. Would depend on the dish. The Spam is a brand name and at least some people must like it because they buy it even if I do not.