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All Conservatives are not alike. How far apart are puppet boy conservatives and Constitutional conservatives?

They are not the same. Can you list the differences for me please and thank. Defining what is meant is always helpful.

Posted - January 31, 2019


  • 34976
    Constitutional Conservatives want the Constitution followed as written and as intended by the founders. 

    President Trump has appointed Constitutionalist judges. This post was edited by my2cents at January 31, 2019 6:07 AM MST
      January 31, 2019 6:07 AM MST

  • 6098
    I don't find much interest or enjoyment in politics and am not familiar with what classifications are have been made. I would say their are various shades of difference in everyone's conservatism or liberalism for that matter.  All professed conservatives I know of  believe in the Constitution.   All believe in the human dignity of personal freedom, self-determination, personal responsibility, and personal effort.  And in religions such as Christianity which support the value of the individual.  Most believe in seeking personal solutions rather than legal or state/government solutions.  So most are for reduced size, mass, and complexity of government.  Most wish to make up their own minds and resent being told or coerced into what to think, how to act, what to believe in.  Most are for law and order and a stable society which often translates into support of the working status quo. 

    Some conservatives are into the sanctity of human life and so oppose murder of any kind including abortions. I do not oppose abortions however neither would I encourage or advocate them. 

    I am an environmentalist which is not true of all or perhaps most conservatives today. Although I understand that was a conservative principle fifty years ago. 

    I was brought up as a Kennedy Democrat and considered myself a liberal as well as a Democrat most of my life.  But the "liberals" of yesterday would not be liberal at all by today's standards.  In the last fifteen years as mainstream liberalism became increasingly far out and socialistic and restrictive I could no longer support liberal platforms so found myself close the conservatives.  I oppose any kind of government social engineering or redistribution of wealth - they negate and demonize personal striving which is to me the traditional heart and soul of our country and freedom and way of living.  I support what will encourage personal accountability and personal effort and initiative, but oppose anything which seeks to destroy that. 

    Donald Trump was and is basically more a liberal.  As a businessman and a personality. No one was more surprised than I was when he eventually espoused and defended some conservative principles.  However I have never considered him a public servant and I certainly am not impressed by his flamboyance and sometimes rudeness and impatience in working with others. My ideal conservative candidate was Mitt Romney when he ran a few years back who acted more in a manner the way I was brought up to act and appreciate.  However Romney did not have Trump's personal charisma that led all types of people to champion and believe in him whatever.  Many conservatives did not vote for Trump and resented his presence and continue to do so.  My husband and I were among them but finally we decided that his platform and the beliefs he ad come to espouse were closer to ours than were Clinton's and so we decided to vote for him.  
      January 31, 2019 8:07 AM MST