Excessive Fixation isn't good since you tie yourself to the thing you are fixated on, and if it's negative then it cannot do you any good, feeling anger, resentment, hateful, frustrated, irritable, stressed just feeds further negative emotion, and as such could drive others away and make you physically unwell.
Many situations are more to do with emotion, normally fear, often fear of losing control and how that will affect you. People will say for example "a wall" will make things safe or better again, but the fact is life is uncertain. Remember Israel also have a wall because they want to maintain their democracy by making sure that they are predominantly Jewish, out of interest how do you feel about that?
This post was edited by kjames at February 2, 2019 7:10 AM MST
You mean the WAILING WALL? How does that relate in any way to the gaslighter-in-chief obsession with a wall to keep migrants out which he GUARANTEES will keep us safe? There is no connection at all to that and I'm wondering why you would mention it since it is irrelevant? Do you know why? Thank you for your reply kj and Happy Saturday. Inquiring minds wanna know. Mebbe there is a connection and I just can't see it. Enlighten me please and thank you.
This post was edited by RosieG at February 2, 2019 7:15 AM MST