Well now here we go. Seems as though there is photo of two people in a 1984 Medical School yearbook. One is in blackface the other is in a KKK hood. One of them is Northam. He admits to it and apologized for it. I don't know if he tells us which bobohead he is but does it matter? Aren't both DESPICABLE DISGUSTING REPREHENSIBLE?
Here's my question. What idiot ALLOWED such a photo be put in a yearbook? Why not put X-RATED pornography in the yearbook too? What the he**! Free speech right?
So we see that stupid dumb was not invented by the gaslighting commander-in-chief and all his ilk. It existed before proud and strong in a school in Virginia. You see folks you can run but you can't hide. Eventually what you done wrong will show up and bite you on the a**.
Another day in the life of the United States of America. What other stupid dumbs will show up? SIGH