Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» What will the gaslighter-in-chief do/say today that will MAKE MY DAY and make today be his LAST DAY as prez? Any ideas?
Well yesterday Trump junior bad mouthed a Super bowl ad - the ad was Tom Hanks talking about how dangerous it has become for journalists and honouring journalist that have been murdered. Trump juniors response was something like - well maybe they would.t have to spend 5 million on a ad if they reported the news fairly. Trump junior got blasted on twitter for that remark so maybe his dad will say something today that will make it a 100X worse. Cheers!
Well sweetie I'm kinda taking the day off from the gaslighter-in-chief and all his crapadoodle. I'll watch a coupla news shows toward evening today but I am seriously wrung out from them. A hiatus. A break. Either that or I will simply explode in rage and just like humpty dumpty no one will ever be able to put me back together again. I am awaiting the aftermath of the gaslighter-in-chief BIG SHOW where he will BRAG about himself continuously while he is reading the teleprompter and also simultaneously calling out all his enemies His SOTU! SOD! He is in a continuous STATE OF DELUSION so he will be talking from there. SHEESH! There are so many enemies. Will he spend more time kissing his own a** or attacking his enemies? I dunno. We will find out! Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :)