Staying in your country means certain death or rape or torture. There is NO TIME to go through lengthy channels. Asylym seekers have always had the right to come here, be taken in and do whatever paperwork was required to be here LEGALLY. Not any more. They are held in as much contempt by the gaslighter-in-chief as are all those rapists and murderers and drug dealers and terrorists he repeatedly waxes so poetically about over and over and over and over and over. He is unable to differentiate among them. His lack of all human feelings and inability to sympathize or empathize and impotent incompetence and cold-hearted lack of caring is all it takes to have those folks die. So what would you do? Kill your kids and yourself too since you know that is what would happen to you if you don't leave? Or despite the bad press and corruption and hatred you read about in America would you still take a chance that once there if they could just see you and your kids and listen to you and hear your reason for fleeing your country that maybe they would let you in? SIGH.