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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It is a STUPID discussion. People who pay big money get access and favors. Not only in politics folks! EVERYWHERE! What's the problem?

It is a STUPID discussion. People who pay big money get access and favors. Not only in politics folks! EVERYWHERE! What's the problem?

WHALES in Vegas get big constant undivided attention and special "favors". Every business including yours pays more attention to the BIG WHALES who spend tons of money buying your products  than ya do to the tiny sardines. The more stock you own in a company the more attention you get from the Board of Directors and the more shots you get to call. Money talks. Money decides. Money doesn't quibble. Money DEMANDS COMMANDS ORDERS and people hop to hop two hop too!. You get a building named after you on a university campus because you donated MILLIONS so they pay attention to you. So what are we talking about? Quid pro quo is the way to go. SO? If you grease enough palms you can always buy whatever you want including many people. Have you ever bought anyone? If ya had wouldja tell me? What did the bought-and-paid for person do for ya? I know. I'm still swingin'!  :)

Posted - February 5, 2019


  • 6098
    Who is discussing?  That is rather the natural order. No we have never bought anyone.  We do assist financially every year two deserving (in our estimation) young people in business and the arts.  To encourage and help them in their endeavors. 
      February 5, 2019 8:41 AM MST