Not a stupid dumb phony fake made up "emergency" to get a friggin' wall! The wall was Roger Stone's idea for a hook. The gaslighter-in-chief swallowed it and used it. It got out of hand. No one took it seriously at first. But some of y'all got off on it and attended rallies and like good obedient little lemmings after he said "Who will pay for the wall" you shouted "Mexico will pay for the wall". So it became so big it is taking down our country with gubment shutdowns. You see how a fake phony loony tune joke to hook you can turn into a weapon of mass destruction to destroy you? Well if you want a wall and were furloughed I sincerely hope you are furloughed again longer. The fruits of your labors should not be denied you. You cast your bread upon the waters. Of course it will come back a gluey mass of moldy dreck. What did you expect? Enjoy the meal. More to come like that.