Sit back. Relax.
So David Pecker made a deal with the SDNY to come clean about the bimbo payoffs ordered by the gaslighter-in-chief. They would answer all questions and cooperate vis a vis the two hush money payments to shut the bimbos up so the gaslighter-in-chief could "win" the election. They signed an AGREEMENT to that effect. None of them would be held accountable for their part in that scheme. PROVIDING that for three years they were not involved in committing any other CRIMES! Within the pages of the agreement is it so stipulated. They would not be punished for their part in it.
Fast forward to now. It seems The Washington Post kept hammering away at the Guilt of the butcher murderer dismemberer orderer the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. This is all about the butchering of Khashoggi..his dismemberment and his body parts being dissolved in acid. ORDERED by the Crown Ptince. The reporters at The Washington Post wouldn't let it go. So the Saudis in league with The National Enquirer sought to punish the owner of the Washington Post..the richest man in the world..Jeff Bezos. They got some very embarrassing and compromising photos of him..private parts and all..and wrote an expose about his illicit affair with a dame named Lauren Sanchez and wrote about it in the National Enquirer. They THREATENED Bezos with releasing a lot more damaging and humiliating photos and info unless he stopped attacking the butcher dismemberer orderer The Crown Prince. So d'ya know what Jeff did?
He released EVERYTHING he received from the stupid dumb David Pecker. All the threats, all the descriptions of the photos, all of everything. Right out there. Humiliating and embarrassing as it is. The initial expose caused Jeff and his wife to divorce. I don't know if he and Lauren are still together. Who the he** cares?
So here's the thing. That is EXTORTION/BLACKMAIL. A CRIME. The stupid dumb David Pecker now is panicking because of being found out and called out and EXPOSED for this NEW CRIME. Which means that the original agreement with the feds that saved his a** from being indicted is now history. No more protection. He COMMITTED A NEW CRIME and that puts his a ** in a sling along with every other stupid dumb doofus involved in the original hush money payoff. Isn't that lovely? The stupid dumb Pecker thought he could get away with it. The stupid dumb Pecker thought Bezos would cave. The stupid dumb Pecker thought wrong and now well the real fun will begin.
Moral? Quit while you're ahead. Don't push your luck. It isn't infinite.