He only slept in jail at night. In the morning he was picked up by a limousine and chauffered to work. Every day of his "prison" term. I think jackaa**es like Alex Acosta made things swell for jeff because they secretly wished they had run a teenage sex ring of 40 young girls and had his way with them too I suppose. When jeff's sexmates reached 17 or 18 they were "too old" so he let them recruit other little girls for him..sweet young things of 14 or so. This is a very big deal folks. How many deviates like jeffrey epstein are there? Obscene wealthy pigs whose tasty morsels sexually are little girls? How many Alex Acostas (current Labor Secretary for little donny doughboy) are there who facilitate and ameliorate and mitigate the punishment super jeff won't be inconvenienced too much?. Sucks doesn't it? Bigly.
Has our dear leader commented on this at all? Or is he too busy admiring himself for what he is, what he thinks, what he does, what he doesn't do, what he says and what he doesn't say? That takes up all his time you see what with Executive Time in bed until 11am in his jammies (do they have feet in them) and watching FAUX NEWS and tweeting his views to his millions of followers. When does he do the prez bit?