Why is it that it is the trumpicans who are reaping the wondrous results of character assassination, sabotaged photos, scandals that do not exist in the real word ONLY? Why is it that the meddling interferers meddle only to harm DEMS? Why do they WANT trumpicans in charge? They're way easier to manipulte/brainwash/ control/shape/order around? They get off on despots dictators dismemberers massacre ers. Very peculiar.
Of course Senator Kamala Harris is a Woman. An African American Woman. A Californian. A very SMART questioner when pols are seated across from her and on the hot seat.
All of those attributes apparently terrify those whinya** puny girly men who have to compete against them and so with great assurances from their trumpican-loving meddlers they support the meddling. They support the North Carolina cheating scandal. They support all the efforts of all the Red State gubners of reducing the number of Democrats who can vote. Because we all know if they don't cheat they can never win. SIGH. As time goes by and the beat goes on.