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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What advantage is there to PREFERING faux to the real deal?

What advantage is there to PREFERING faux to the real deal?

What's the appeal of the bogus or fake or phony or ant- real deal?

REAL diamond or paste
REAL friend or fair weather
REAL blond or bottle
REAL leader or misleader
REAL money or Monopoly/counterfeit
REAL butter or margarine
REAL devotion or phony emotion
REAL truth or lies
REAL patriot or traitor

Posted - February 24, 2019


  • 6098
    But if we want or appreciate something it becomes "the real deal".  If a article of jewelry helps us look good it matters not what its worth on the open market is. If someone is our friend and we enjoy them it matters not what kind of friend they are.
    If we choose to use a rinse then temporarily it matters not what our natural hair color is.
    If we choose to follow someone then they become our leader.
    If we want to play Monopoly all the money in the world is of no use to us. 
    If we decide so swear off animal fat then we might well welcome a vegetable spread. 
    Devotion has its place as does emotion. 
    If "truth" does not work for us then it is a lie. 
    Just who is the "patriot" and who the "traitor" would depend upon which side you are on.  Also upon which side wins. 
      February 24, 2019 6:39 AM MST

  • 46117
    I love your first sentence.  This is proof you are not an idiot.  That is very true.  I'm scared to keep reading, I am praying you don't ruin this for me.

    Ohhhh boy.

    Well you made it though a few rough hurdles but THEN here it is:

    If the TRUTH does NOT work FOR YOU?   

    NO honey.  We are not walking testimonials of truth.   We do not wind up in a jail cell because the truth just did not work for us.

    The truth is something that is.   We don't get to define what is evident to the rest of society.

    You crap on my lawn and believe it is your lawn?  You are still gonna pick up that pile or you are going to COURT.  I don't care what you believe.

    BUT I see your point.  The Charlie Mansons of the world believe their own lies.  BUT THEY ARE NO TRUTH.  Believing does not make reality unreal.  Sharon Tate is still dead and Manson put her there.  He can believe what he believes until hell freezes over and that is his prerogative.  It does not make it truth.

    The truth is what we believe  UP to a POINT.  That is why we are put down here on this planet.  To understand deeper truths than what is black or white and what we want to be true to suit us.  We can believe like Charlie.  We can.  That is our truth.  We are choosing hell.  A life and existence of lies we refuse to acknowledge. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at February 24, 2019 9:53 AM MST
      February 24, 2019 8:49 AM MST

  • 6098
    But if our lives are not testimonials of truth then what are they?  We live out truth.  Not sure how you get from what I wrote to Manson/Tate or why you think I would or did do that to your lawn.  We can choose hell or we can choose heaven or whatever.  We make our choices every day in most of what we do.  If we do not make choices then others will choose for us. 
      February 24, 2019 9:57 AM MST