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Why don't Trump's supporters speak their minds?

Donald Trump's supporters say they hate political correctness, but they never actually say they hate the blacks, Jews, hispanics or gays. They just very strongly indicate that they can't stand the sight of them! Instead, they leave it to Donald to express all their hatred for them! Please don't try to argue that Donald does not express hatred. You wouldn't suggest building a wall to keep a whole racial group out, or talk of trying to ban a whole religion, if you liked or respected them. Go on, Donald supporters, why don't you let it all out. Just say what you really feel. You know how good it would make you feel!

Posted - August 27, 2016


  • 17260
    Lolz. Having popcorn sitting in the sofa as I wait to see the usual suspects turn up, no?
      August 27, 2016 8:11 AM MDT