A. You may use fewer letters than appear in a day's name, but you may not add any letters.
B. No letters can be duplicated unless they are duplicates on the day's name, such as letter 'e' in Wednesday.
C. The names you come up with may start with any letter found in the days' names.
D. The names you come up with can only co rain letters from one day's name, such as the letters in Friday. No borrowing of letters from two or more names.
E. The names you come up with do not have to be in English.
F. If a name contains punctuation, such as a hyphen or an apostrophe, you may use it.
G. Please post the name of the day next to the name you form so that we'll know which one you mean.
H. You may form more than 7 if you like, or fewer than 7 if that's all you can think of.
Have fun!
Example: Friday/Ray
Monday -
. Dan
. May
Tuesday -
. Sue
. Tad
. Stu
Wednesday -
. Wendy
. Andy
. Sandy
. Wes
. Eddy
. Ray
. Thad
. Rusty
. Dusty
. Shay
. Dru
Friday -
. Fay
Saturday -
Sunday -
Monday - Mad
Tuesday - Easy
Wednesday - Needy, Weeny, Seedy, Dense
Thursday - Trashy, Shady
Friday - Fairy
Saturday - Turds
Sunday - Anus
Those are only a few names for people. ;)
Thanks, I couldn't come up with anything for Saturday or Sunday...except for some repeats.
Does that mean I can collect unemployment?
I think you've pretty much covered the other days, but for Saturday, you could have:
-Yrsa (Icelandic)
-Aras (Lithuanian)
Monday: Mandy, Mona, Dom
Tuesday: Tudy, Tad, Esta
Wednesday: Eddy, Wes, Wendy
Thursday: Art, Darth, Thad
Friday: Frida, Adi, Ida, Rida, Fay, Yari
Saturday: Dru, Ray, Tray, Satura
Sunday: Dan, Suny, Sady