True. Both reflect a means of transportation. But that is all they have in common. Nothing else is relevant at all. So why is it that the BIBLE stays the same when everything around it has changed dramatically and drastically? How can it apply to what it didn't even know would exist futurely?
Years ago when I was a kid my folks bought an encyclopedia set called The Book of Knowledge. Each year we would get a volume UPDATING what had been written before and also including what was new. Where are the BIBLE updates? How can one block of "information" thousands of years old never change and still pertain to all that is new? Does that make sense to you? Why doesn't God INSPIRE current clerics to update the Bbible IN HIS WORDS? He could do that. Why doesn't He?
Archeological evidence for Exodus found in Jordan Valley 2017-2018.
There is a tablet in the Smithsonian supporting the existence of the Tower of Babel
There are historians who mentioned Jesus in the documents.
King David was said to be a myth along the lines of King Author. Until the evidence was found.
But yes, everyone will choose what they wish to believe.