Time off from work unconnected for a week or two. Yes I have a number of times. Here are a few of the most memorable
1. Backpacking for 10 days in Patagonia, then retreating to Santiago to drink wine 2. A road trip across Northern Spain to visit small wineries and eat the local food for a week 3. Eating and drinking in Croatia on a beach w/o the kids - we are doing that in May 4. Skiing thigh deep powder in BC and retiring to the condo for a fireplace and a meal - we do that most years
An Ideal vacation for us is disconnecting from the World and reconnecting to each other
My first reaction? From what you write above alone you should write a book. I am quite serious. All the experiences you had when doing so surely would make for a fascinating read. Especially for folks like me who have NEVER been anywhere to speak of. We could enjoy vicariously what you actually experienced. Ever think about it Archerchef? If not please do. What you write is easy to read. Pleasurable too. Thank you for your thoughtful reply and Happy Friday to you! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at March 8, 2019 6:41 AM MST
I have been encouraged to write and have not been able to - white page syndrome. If it is not for work, aka a research overview etc I just cannot do it.
Thank you for the compliment. I do take advantage of every opportunity to travel and explore personally and professionally. So many of my coworkers when traveling scurry home at the 1st opportunity. I tell finance I can save a lot of money if I have a Saturday stay etc. The comapny picks up my Hotel most of the time. Consequently I get to explore on the company dime
Sounds as if you have landed in a honey pot m'dear. Exploring on the company dime must be sublime. I've not heard of 'white page" syndrome. I've heard of "white coat" syndrome which occurs when you go to the doctor and have your blood pressure taken. The apprehension makes the numbers go way up artificially and briefly. I guess the body can't control it. But "white page"? Perhaps that is something you CAN control with time. You're welcome. I always calls 'em as I sees 'em but I only ever speak for me. I wonder how many folks there are like me worldwide? Never having traveled anywhere exotic and enjoying reading about the adventures of others? I have a friend who does a lot of traveling. We're internet pals. She and her husband are always taking jaunts all over the world and when she returns she very kindly fills me in about what she experienced. I'd PAY to read about it but with her I don't need to do so. Now this is not a guilt trip even though it might sound like one. Think of the people you are depriving by not sharing what you know of the world? Think of the fun they could have reading about the fun YOU had? OK. That's it. I had my say. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday Archerchef! :)
That's always true for me too. I always miss my kitchen when we're away from home. I've heard of Furnace Creek Inn I think. It sounds familiar. Hope you get there one day. Thank you for your reply! :)