Yeparoonio! Hope Hicks, formerly playing in the Big Leagues in the White House has job in the guessed it. FAUX NEWS.
Now what happens to bill shine who was in the minors (FAUX) and was brought up to the majors (White House Communications Director) and lasted only 8 months and was cut loose to float off into working on the 2020 re-election campaign ALLEGEDLY. Scuttlebutt is that little donny d was UNhappy with the way shine handled his publicity/pr. He expected shine to make him shine. No one can make dull drab shine. No one. Will shine survive or will that transfer be the door before he is fired from that too? Who knows? Little donny d nd Faux News have a "swinging door" relationship. In and out and in and out and in and out and in and out. It is not very creative but it is very predictable.
Next in the Majors...Little Jeannie Piro? Sean Hannity hisself...his very own self? Maybe Sean will be the Chief of Staff or little donny d's veep. Anyone know can a perz change horses in mid-stream and fire a creepy veep who never sez a word worth hearing but bobbleheads 24/7 and smiles adoringly?