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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Spring forward/Fall back Had a purpose ONCE UPON A TIME. It no longer does. Why do we continue to follow something outdated/antiquated?

Spring forward/Fall back Had a purpose ONCE UPON A TIME. It no longer does. Why do we continue to follow something outdated/antiquated?

Posted - March 10, 2019


  • 46117
    When you have one individual that has adapted and gotten used to living in a certain manner and then it is disrupted, all kinds of confusion and pain ensues.  Especially if they are not used to change.  If you live comfortably on a ranch in South Texas for instance, and someone like the PRESIDENT wants to mow through your property so he can build a BIG WALL to remind people how strong he is, that is a change most people cannot deal with.

    If you are a child who only knows the parent you cling to, and someone with a gun grabs you and puts you in a cage?  That is a change that will negatively affect this tiny human for the rest of his life.

    If you are filled with fear?  CHANGE IS TERRIFYING.

    Now, multiply this by millions.  Millions of people being informed that a change is coming?  It had better be a change they want.  Otherwise change moves slowly.  VERY SLOWLY.

    Even desired change takes time to make it effective.
      March 10, 2019 9:58 AM MDT

  • 53640

      Nice rant that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.  Isn't that a perfect example of  PROPAGANDA?
      March 10, 2019 12:55 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your thoughtful reply Sharon and Happy Monday! :)
      March 11, 2019 2:00 AM MDT

  • 10774
    Because change is hard.  Yes, it causes more harm than good (fact!), but it's not as simple as just instantly stop doing it. 

    * Do we stay on year-round DST or standard time?  If (say) 68% of people want it abolished, 88% will complain when they it is abolished.  No matter what happens people are going to complain and demand we go back to how it "used to be".

    * People like DST in the summer (more daylight hours after work to enjoy the day), but prefer standard time in the winter (who wants it dark at 9 am?)
    *  There's the 'kids going to school in the dark isn't safe' vs 'kids coming home from school in the dark isn't safe' issue. 

    * The sun doesn't change angles just because we do or don't change our clocks.  There will always be less daylight in the winter and more daylight in the summer.

    Even though California voted to abolish the yearly time change, it may be some time before (or even if) it ever happens. 
      March 10, 2019 10:06 AM MDT

  • 113301
     SIGH. True Shuhak. I adapt twice a year slowly. I'm not a quick adapter. Some folks have no problem with it. Hawaii stays on one time all the time. I don't see how that has damaged or harmed anyone. I believe parts of Arizona also stay on one time all the time. So it is DOABLE. It is what it is. Thank you for your thoughtful reply and the points you make. Happy Monday! :)
      March 11, 2019 2:03 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Well what choice do we have.  We can decide not to follow it and be a "majority of one" but what will that get us.  Someone decides they can have more power by changing it they change it.  Never asked me.   I remember Daylight Savings used to start last week in April then they made it start earlier oh 45 years ago then they changed it to start even earlier.  Like some government lackey decided we should no longer have light bulbs we can read by and they stopped the sale of them all cold.  Your government at work!  Now some towns where I live (including my own) have decided we should not use any more plastic bags. To prevent pollution.  Just as 40 years ago they decide we should not use any more paper ones to save trees. Some towns are working on banning all automobiles!  Some towns you can't even buy water in a plastic bottle!  So much for choice. 
      March 10, 2019 10:23 AM MDT

  • 34966
    I prefer the summertime hours. 

    When we change back in Nov. It will be dark a 5:30....and get worse.  It is stupid. It is still dark when my kids go to school regardless. 
      March 10, 2019 12:12 PM MDT