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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Only a BIFUCATED BRAIN "believes in" GOD and liddle donny dingbat simultaneously, One good one evil cancelling each other out! WHAT?

Only a BIFUCATED BRAIN "believes in" GOD and liddle donny dingbat simultaneously, One good one evil cancelling each other out! WHAT?

So y'all are willing to cancel out GOD to believe in liddle donny d? Seriously? I KNOW you won't cancel out liddle donny d to believe in GOD. If GOD were really that important to you well you never would have looked at liddle donny d seriously. You would have ignored him ridiculed him laughed at him shunned him. You NEVER would have voted for him! YOU never would have believed in him or believed him. So it's either/or. Not both. You do understand the grave situation in which you have placed yourselves do you not? You cannot serve God and serve the devil simultaneosly. You can't have it both ways. You clearly made your choice by voting for liddle donny d. A vote for liddle donny d was a concomitant vote AGAINST GOD. Stop pretending you believe in GOD. That is blasphemous!

Posted - March 11, 2019


  • 34966
    Morning Joe has been on that lie all morning. It is not a strategy that is going to work. 

    Trump is who stood up for God in the public square. Dems voted to remove God from their party platform. 

    Trump is supporting Jewish people and Israel. Dems have Omar and could not even rebuke her. 

    Trump support pro-life judges and pro-life policies. Dems are making partial-birth abortion legal.  And will not support punishing an abortion provider who refuses to give medical care to a born alive abortion survivor.

    Trump is bringing jobs so people can have confidence knowing they can support themselves.  Dems drive away jobs and expand welfare. 

    Bible says pay your taxes. To give unto Caesar what is Caesars and to God what is Gods. 
    It does not say:  Give unto Caesar so Caesar can give unto the poor. 

    People and the church are to take care of the poor not give up that responsibility to the gov. 
      March 11, 2019 6:48 AM MDT