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So when liddle donny dingbat insults "the Democrat Party" of whom doth he speakeith?

THE ANTI-DONS whatever you call them

He speaks for all trumpicans. He cannot speak for Republicans since they all have been homogenized into trumpican broth and are now one with liddle donny d. The Republican party died the moment it put liddle donny d forth as its candidate. It ceased to exist that day. It didn't know it of course. No one did.

Posted - March 11, 2019


  • 46117
    Any one that is not in his BASE is "a TRAITOR and a  Dem"
      March 11, 2019 8:19 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Perhaps of those who are so shallow they cannot see further than just using their political clout and party affiliation for political vindictiveness.  
      March 11, 2019 8:23 AM MDT

  • When you say "liddle donny dingbat", of whom are YOU speaking? US HOUSE leadership?? Any one of 97 Democrat candidates running for president?? Rep AOC?? You know, the one with the brain of a hamster proving once again that ignorance is truly bliss?? Or could it be that the reference is for any Democrat capable of holding a crayon and writing one more piece of bizarre legislation??  This answer is done in sardonic parody because the question isn't one for any serious consideration.
      March 11, 2019 8:48 AM MDT

  • 46117

    You don't know who that is?  LET ME REFRESH YOUR RECOLLECTION:

    ... well Office Girl chimed in as well so let me address you both....

    read my reply to her.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at March 11, 2019 8:58 AM MDT
      March 11, 2019 8:51 AM MDT

  • 6098
    She seems to believe it is better to belittle and insult than to try and understand and get along and work together. 
      March 11, 2019 8:53 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I seem to believe that if you make comments that are TOTALLY untrue?  I am going to question those comments.

    You and he are ringleaders in the strangest takes one can have on these issues.  SORRY I have the voice of reason for you both.  SO SORRY.

    The 10 worst things Trump did in 2018

    January 2

    In his second year in office, President Trump did many positive things, and on Monday, I offered my list of the 10 best things Trump did in 2018. But he also did a lot of bad things that ranged from cringeworthy to catastrophic. Here are the 10 worst:

    10. His comment about “sh--hole” countries blew up negotiations for a deal that would have given Trump his border wall. Nearly a year ago, the president made a bold offer to Democrats — putting not just legal status but also a path to citizenship for nearly 1.8 million young illegal immigrants on the table. Then his abhorrent comment undermined Democrats who were serious about cutting a deal and gave those who were not a pretext to walk away.

    9. His offensive tweets continued to undermine his presidency.Calling former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman “a dog” and Stormy Daniels “Horseface” — among countless offensive tweets — is not just unpresidential, it drives away potential supporters who like his policies but then are reminded how much they don’t like Trump.

    is misuse of power turned critics into martyrs. Revoking former CIA director John Brennan’s security clearance and CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta’s White House press pass turned partisan critics who were embarrassing themselves into victims — and gave them an even greater platform from which to attack him.

    7. He drove away suburban voters and caused the GOP to lose control of the House. That’s because the president has sought to energize his base in ways that drive those voters away. If he wants to win reelection, Trump needs to bring suburban Republican voters back into the GOP fold.

    6. His graceless handling of Sen. John McCain’s funeral was a new low. Trump didn’t like McCain, but when you’re the president, sometimes you must honor people you didn’t like. McCain was an American heroTrump’s inability to muster a kind or generous word reflected poorly on the president.

    John McCain and Trump: A history

    Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and President Trump have been at odds with each other for a while. Here's a look at their war of words. (Jenny Starrs/The Washington Post)

    5. His handling of Jamal Khashoggi’s murder harmed America’s moral standing. Trump is right that a permanent breach with Saudi Arabia is not acceptable, because there is no other country in the Middle East that can serve as a counterweight to Iran. But it was unseemly to declare that “It’s all about ‘America First’ ” and “We’re not going to give up hundreds of billions of dollars in orders.”


    4. His news conference with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki was an embarrassment. His meeting with the Russian president came on the heels of Russia’s attempted assassination of a dissident on British soil using banned chemical weapons and the indictment of 12 Russians for 2016 election meddling. Instead of condemning these actions, Trump publicly sided with Putin over his own intelligence community.

    3. His policy to separate migrant children from their families at the southern border was an avoidable tragedy. There is nothing wrong with a zero-tolerance policy for illegal crossings. But his administration’s failure to anticipate and prepare for how to deal with migrant families was gross negligence — a symptom of the chaos that is undermining his presidency.

    2. His planned withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan is a gift to the Taliban and al-Qaeda. In 2017, my Top 10 Best list praised Trump for reversing President Barack Obama’s disastrous withdrawal, which he said “would create a vacuum for terrorists.” But in December, Trump ordered the military to start planning the withdrawal of roughly 7,000 troops — about half the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan. The news came just as U.S. officials were holding talks with the Taliban whose No. 1 demand is . . . the withdrawal of U.S. forces. Hardly the “art of the deal.”


    1. His pullout of all U.S. troops in Syria will take America’s boot off of the terrorists’ necks. Trump’s claim that “we have defeated ISIS in Syria” is as bad as Obama’s dismissing them as the “J.V.” squad. The Islamic State still has up to 30,000 fighters in Iraq and Syria and about $400 million in their coffers. The Islamic State is not defeated, and not one member of Trump’s national security team agrees with his decision to withdraw. If he lets the Islamic State off the mat like Obama did in Iraq in 2011, our nation will pay a terrible price.

    Days before Trump announces victory over ISIS, officials were preparing for a long engagement

    The Trump administration is planning to withdraw all U.S. troops from Syria immediately. The president tweeted Dec. 19 that the U.S. had defeated ISIS in Syria. (Jason Aldag/The Washington Post)

    It is notable that, with the exception of troop withdrawals and family separations, most of the items on this list were transgressions of style rather than substance. With the mute button on, the Trump presidency is pretty good from a conservative policy perspective. And yet Trump’s approval rating at year’s end is just 39 percent — because most Americans don’t follow politics with the sound off.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at March 11, 2019 9:04 AM MDT
      March 11, 2019 8:56 AM MDT

  • 6098
    I have never accused you Sharon of being unreasonable.  I have accused you of being ungracious at times.  Not sure just what Pres. Trump and I have become the "ringleaders" of.   Certainly I see myself not as any kind of leader but only in being willing to express support for someone who I believe is being viciously and unfairly maligned on this site. 

    The rest of what you have posted I guess is an article by one Thiessen?  Note you have chosen to publish the ten "worst" things rather than the ten "best".  Wonder why.  Anyway I read the column and I agree with a lot of it.  Some I disagree with and some I don't understand. 

    As you know I can't get terribly excited by or interested in politics. I have my own life to lead which is interesting enough for me as it is.  I vote in elections and otherwise leave it alone. I was appointed to my town's Conservation Commission so I am part of my town's government.  In an extremely liberal town I must say.  

    I never thought of Donald Trump as anything great.  I respect him for his achievements and for his willingness to support some conservative ideals which I agree with.  He lives his life the way he thinks best and I have known and worked with people just like him so he does not surprise me.  I would never use him as a model of "correct" and "tasteful" or even "gracious" behavior.  But then I grew up with etiquette and deportment classes about how "proper" young ladies and gentlemen should act.  But I know in the real world people do not always act in the ways I was taught to.  I cannot change Pres.Trump - I can only be responsible for my own behavior and actions. This post was edited by officegirl at March 11, 2019 9:33 AM MDT
      March 11, 2019 9:22 AM MDT

  • 46117
    How many times do I have to go over this with you. 

    I am not talking to YOU.  I AM TALKING ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY.  YOU SAY THINGS THAT I THINK ARE SO INANE I MUST RESPOND IN KIND.  In other words, your comment is something extraordinarily bizarre.  That is not saying that YOU are inane. I am not saying that YOU are bizarre.  BUT? The way you think makes little sense to me-- regarding political issues.  

     You protect a monster.  I cannot HANDLE that.  Especially for the reasons you and that Devil person give.  They are unfounded opinions that are really so damaging to this country that it makes me react. I see you in many faces.   Many have this idea you have so it is  Not just your responses.

    That is why it baffles me and I go off.  But you have no right to say I just attack people.  I HAVE MANY REASONS THAT I GIVE WHY I DISAGREE.  I don't call you a big poo poo head and run away . I tell you why you are.  And I try and be nice.

    You know I like you as a person. You are lovely.  This is not about you.

    This is about what you refuse to take into consideration This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at March 11, 2019 9:51 AM MDT
      March 11, 2019 9:29 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Yes thank you but why is it so important to you that I agree with everything you say?  Is there no room for any difference of opinion? That is what bothers me especially - that there is only one way to do things and all else is wrong or bad or whatever.   You don't like someone I can understand that.  You think they are bad for the country OK you are entitled to your opinion.  You want to attack and disparage them on a daily basis then I guess you can because seems to be allowed on this site.  But you must understand that some of us might have other opinions and some of us do not see it as our business to be regularly attacking any public official just doing what they conceive of as their job. Or any private individual. People just are what they are and has nothing to do with how we think they should be just for our benefit.  Could I do their jobs?  No.  Would I care to> No again. So I hold my peace. 

    You can disagree without giving any reasons. I do not expect "reasons".  I know I am not politically savvy and really have no desire to be.  Just not important to me.  And I would stay out of all such discussions only I feel badly to see just a regular person so maligned.  You may see this or that as damaging to a country but I may see thus and so as damaging.  I read what you write and do consider it.  Though I may reject it.  Some of the very long informational posts you used to make on answerbag went over my head or were just too long for me to consider in a single sitting. 

    You once wrote to me that I "must believe" all that Russian "collusion" business. Which makes absolutely no sense to me. Don't know of anyone any Russians dictated to who to vote for. Or even suggested.  And why would they pick Trump of all people who only listens to his "gut".  Clinton and her husband -who I once voted for - were accused of all kinds of "collusion" for years with whatever countries.  Now that "collusion" business has been transferred to Trump!  So he hopes to build a Trump Tower in Russia - he won't be on the public dole forever.  Or will he be?  

    Because what you write about is important to you I guess you stay on it.  Maybe to some of us not important.  I don't know.  I apologize if I have caused you any personal hurt. 
      March 11, 2019 10:25 AM MDT

  • 46117
    It is not important that you blindly agree with anything.  You are so far removed from what I say that this is what baffles me.  The banner for Trump  that you still carry, and the reasons why, are the issue.  Not that you think like me on anything.  

    That is why.  NOT THAT YOU AGREE WITH ME.  HONEST.  ??? I am so NOT like that.  
      Here is why.  

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at March 11, 2019 10:43 AM MDT
      March 11, 2019 10:31 AM MDT

  • 6098
    But what are my alternatives?  We supported Cruz/Fiorina who did not get on the ballot.  Vote for someone who ridicules religion or does not believe in private property or private wealth?  Someone who demonizes hard work and sacrifice and ambition?  Someone who believes that the individual is only a function of the government?  Or someone who believes the individual does not exist?  Or should I just stay home and read?  Or go out shopping and leave elections to the "experts"?
      March 11, 2019 10:49 AM MDT