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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "We have to stop the Pentagon from building the best possible 20th Century Military". How about a 21st Century Military?

"We have to stop the Pentagon from building the best possible 20th Century Military". How about a 21st Century Military?

That's what Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren sez. Do you agree with her? Do you prefer 20th century expertise to 21st century? Why would anyone prefer less than?

Posted - March 13, 2019


  • 44736
    Well, it is the 21st century and we have a military. Technology continues to improve.

      March 13, 2019 10:20 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren was the one who said it her point being that the stiff antiquated old fogies in the Pentagon don't have a clue about what's going on technologically today. Whether that is true or not I cannot say.  But you know E just because we live in the  21st century doesn't mean many of the folks here don't long for yesterday and the "old ways" which they promulgate and infect their kids with. Right? The body is here in 2019. The rest of them is god knows where back in time. Thank you for your reply. I'm gonna ask about it.
      March 13, 2019 1:37 PM MDT

  • 44736
    Maybe the civilian old fogies. I was in charge of Combat Information Center for three ships. After seeing CIC in the newer ships, I get very envious of the new technology. We had one radar scope and operator. Two others manned the dead reckoning table...a mechanical device that tracked our ship's motions. Another calculated the paths of the ships around us and another man stood behind a large plexiglass board and wrote all the other ship's positions backwards so we could read them. Today's newer ship's CICs look like a star ship's bridge.
      March 13, 2019 1:53 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Well m'dear if I were prez (gawd forbid) I would appoint YOU to oversee the entire military! I don't know what job that is frankly E. Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? Is there a cabinet position? Oh like maybe Secretary of Defense? I'd want EVERYTHING state of the art. I'd leave that entirely up to you to suggest and figger out and fer shure Congress would fund it! You know I read about certain planes or whatevers not doing the job the military wants but Congress still insists on funding their creation. I can't think of a specific example but why would Congress insist on funding something the experts don't want don't like don't trust? I don't get it. Thank you for your reply. What does a star ship's bridge look like? Are we talking Star Trek?   :)
      March 14, 2019 2:34 AM MDT