In The Declaration of Independence we the people outlined our grievances with the King of England (Britain whatever). There were many. We wanted to free ourselves from his rule. We did.
The Civil War was about slavery. The south wanted to keep SLAVES They grooved on it. The north wanted to free slaves. They engaged in spiriting them away from bondage via THE UNDERGROUND RAILWAY. The south is still fighting the Civil War. They can never let it go or give it up. It reflects what they are and what they value. Racists want to go back to those golden days when people of color "knew their place". They hated having an African American president. They will always hate it. They don't know any other way of life. Take away their hate and what is left of them? Nothing.
The war against liddle donny d? Well that is a different animal entirely. Those who are pro him think he is awesome good. Those who are anti think he is the absolute opposite. The war is ongoing daily. We have been in the throes of the don war since he began campaigning. We knew what he was and rejected him. The majority voted AGAINST him. But the TRAGIC flaw in our election system elected him. And we are stuck until we get unstuck.