Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » WAIT A DAM* MINIT! Liddle donny d Don don sez he has all military all police all bikers watching his back. Including PEOPLE OF COLOR?

WAIT A DAM* MINIT! Liddle donny d Don don sez he has all military all police all bikers watching his back. Including PEOPLE OF COLOR?

What on earth does he mean by that? PEOPLE OF COLOR among police, military and bikers GOT HIS BACK? Now I am confused bigly. As long as they are watching his back and will attack his enemies he doesn't care what color they are? What about stripes and polka dots and plaids?  Are they okay too? He has gotta be more specific. Confusing us isn't helpful Don don. You can see that can't you?  What about LGBTQ? Are they OK too? You don't want them in the military defending the country but they can watch your back? What about MUSLIM bikers? Are they okay as long as they are not in a MOSQUE praying? What about ILLEGALS? Betcha some of them are bikers too. Whatcha gonna do about that?  Clearly once again he shoots from hip and the lip and it never goes via the brain. He did not think this through. It is an EMPTY threat until and unless he provides SPECIFICS. Otherwise he is just blowing it up his arse.

Posted - March 16, 2019


  • 6988
    Have you ever noticed the sharp BLACK U.S. MARINES that provide guard service at 'showy' events that he attends? These are the proud, the few that work with the Secret Service to provide protection for the Presidential folks. It is a job they try to get because of their patriotism. Thousands apply, regardless of their race, color, creed, or political stance for those positions. 
      March 16, 2019 7:05 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Nope. Sad to say I never did bh. Bad Rosie! I will look better next time. Thank you for your reply! :)
      March 16, 2019 12:36 PM MDT