Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Since Don don is named in the White Nationalist Murderer's Manifesto as being an inspiration to him Don don is their IDOL! Comments?
Since Don don is named in the White Nationalist Murderer's Manifesto as being an inspiration to him Don don is their IDOL! Comments?
Saying liddle donny d has nothing to do with it is bullsh**! He INSPIRES it. Talk that away if you think you can sell it BUT but ya hafta be a dimwit halfwit twit to buy it.
Nonsense. Look at all the bad things crazy people have done through the ages claiming to be inspired by "God" or "Jesus". Does that make Them guilty then? Did They inspire such things? By that logic might as well argue then that "non-white" or "non-nationalist" people inspired what they do.