Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» I have no wish or right to control what others do or say. I do however reserve the right to point it out. Why is that so bad?
I think we are not on the same page E. The question is about my constantly pointing out all the awful things liddle donny dingbat sez/does. I don't stop because he doesn't stop. When he does stop so shall I. In the meantime you see all his adoring peeps who get so ticked off at me for daring to point out what he says/does. I don't make it up. I just poin it out. So how did your sister get involved in this? Are you personalizing it by any chance? Anyway I thought I'd better 'splain myself just in case you were misunderstanding my intention. Thank you for your reply. Why would your sister lose a friend? What kind of "friend" requires 100% agreement 24/7?
This post was edited by RosieG at March 19, 2019 6:48 AM MDT
When I do where are you? Okay. Ever hear of COSMIC INFLATION or MULTIPLE BIG BANGS creating multiple worlds and galaxies across time and space beyond our imagination? What about a multiverse? I know you know my fascination with quantum entanglement. What is YOUR TAKE on what causes it? ARe there more connections among what we perceive as disparate things far apart then we expect? How are they connected? OK. Your turn. Wait. Did you ever read the May 2003 issue of Scientific American? The front page states "Infinite Earths in Parallel Universes Really Exis t. Pp 41-51 are all about multiverses of which there are 4 levels. This is 16 years ago almost. Whatcha think?
This post was edited by RosieG at March 19, 2019 7:12 AM MDT
By the same token, and if it's valid for you to point out what you consider to be others' faults, why do you find it so bad when other people point out what you've written incorrectly, inaccurately, or downright falsely?
One thing to point out what others say. Quite another to put a derogatory, belittling, hurtful, or spiteful spin on what they say. Or to fantastically warp and twist and misinterpret what they say for those purposes.