March 20th marked the first day of Spring in the US (the 21st in Italy) and with the passing of the winter season comes renewed food ambitions. Our Penne with Peas, Onions, and Pecorino Romano is an ode to Spring and your waiting taste-buds.
In our view, peas have two food soul-mates; that is, fish and pasta. On the pasta pairing we can’t help but adore Spring peas with penne, sweet red onions, and tangy Pecorino Romano. Our Pecorino hails from the undisputed sheep cheese capital of Italy; viz., Calabria and made locally on our family farm. If you don’t have access to fresh, early, Spring peas then the frozen variety will do in a pinch or better yet buy a can of Le Sueur early peas grown in Minnesota (they’re terrific in pasta or stews).
Finally, the extra virgin olive oil we used was produced in the area of Chiaramonte Gulfi, north of Ragusa in southern Sicily: Primo DOP, Frantoi Cutrera Extra Virgin Olive Oil 2013. The bitter and spicy elements of the oil contrasted nicely with the sweet peas and red onion. Find a crisp white wine to pair with this pasta dish.