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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "All things must end". Not necessarily. Each rock the SDNY turns over reveals more critters scurrying about that they have to track. AND?

"All things must end". Not necessarily. Each rock the SDNY turns over reveals more critters scurrying about that they have to track. AND?

Well Mueller's investigation was VERY NARROW. It related to the possible corrupt collusion conspiracy to install Don don as president manufactured and manipulated by his campaign staff and Russian contacts. That's it! Mueller had no authority to do anything else. Here's what is so very interesting.

As Mueller uncovered LOTS of criminal activities along the way having to do with totally different things he gave them to the SDNY to investigate. Mueller's work is almost done. The SDNY keeps EXPANDING the scope of what is being investigated. There is so much corrupt criminal activity on so many levels involving so many people I don't know if the SDNY will ever complete its investigations. It may be the one exception to "all things must end". It will be handed down from generation to generation of investigators. Long after Don don is dead they will still be investigating the crimes and bringing people to justice. A lifetime job over many lifetimes. Such a legacy for Don don! I'm verklempt! :)

Posted - March 20, 2019
