The written word AND the spoken word. No exceptions. All newspaper articles, magazine articles, books, pamphlets go to him first for approval. All scripts of all TV shows and radio shows must be approved by Don don before they see the light of day. All questions that all journalists ask of pols MUST GET THE Don don stamp of approval.
So no more "the media is the enemy of the people". All news that's fit to print according to Don don gets in print. The rest of it doesn't and the authors thereof get tossed in jail forever. That way we eliminate the source of Don don's discontent and eventually he won't have to read everything because the the only anyones still writing and talking will be prodons unto eternity and beyonde. After Don don is gone his effect will remain. Isn't that an exciting future to contemplate? Of course there will be no one to hate or vilify or decry who is alive. But that's a good thing right?