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Does it make you happy or sad to talk about your family? Why?


Posted - August 29, 2016


  • 113301

    A mixed bag is good. Finding relatives whom you didn't know before is always good.  It's part of the yin and yang of life I guess. People are born, they live, they die. It is nice that you have found some  "newly born" to you to offset those who are gone. Life goes on.  For everyone. No escape. Thank you for your reply PeaPod! :)

      August 31, 2016 6:11 AM MDT

  • 113301

    Sorry about that hartfire. I know something about estrangement too. Sadly. Thank you for your reply! :)

      August 31, 2016 6:12 AM MDT

  • 113301

    That's wonderful Nevan. Do you live close enough that you can see one another periodically? Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday! :)

      August 31, 2016 6:13 AM MDT

  • 113301

    That is really awesome  Spunky! I have one sister who lives 500 miles away and a son who lives 2500 air miles away in Honolulu. Jim has two lives in northern Nevada and the other one lives in southern Arizona. We have no relatives in California any longer. We are holding down that fort single-handedly I guess. Thank you for your reply! Holidays must be a buncha fun for you and yours. I'm glad!  Happy Wednesday! :)

      August 31, 2016 6:17 AM MDT

  • 113301

    I'm sorry lovely. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday! :)

      August 31, 2016 6:17 AM MDT

  • 3375

    I too reconnected with old friends that way.  And you know what?  The one old friend indirectly led me to meet my present day husband!  I am thoroughly enjoying it now because I am finding old pictures of my mom that I can now share with my newfound family.  That has been very healing for me.

      September 3, 2016 2:54 PM MDT