Discussion»Questions»Family» Would reach out to a relative on the other side of the world? If so, how would you... Don't go with the reach of rubberman. I've tried.
Thanks for answering. I was thinking, I had a response from a cousin I've never met. He has been cultured and lived a totally different life than me. I never knew what happened to his dad (my uncle) other than they left California and went to England. My mom has tried to touch base with them but there has been some real hatred from my uncle's wife side for our "American family." It's odd because she is from Nashville. Anyway, I didn't feel it was necessary to carry on this lacking of being friends between us. It is all rather senseless. Let's go with the next generation (even being 51) move past this silliness. I guess a better-worded question would have been better to reach the answers I was searching for. It would be: Suppose you reached out to a relative overseas whom you had never met. They responded to with open thoughts and arms. How you write back? There aren't enough spaces to word all that in the question. This is why I'm better at answering than asking. Thanks Welby for answering and asking. Hugs and Loves, always! Love, Merlin
It sounds like you already have reached out and they responded well, back to you? Keep going with it, I'd think. :)
and if you haven't reached out yet, then your intentions are sincere - - sounds OK to me to try it out, even if they decide not to respond. But, in the long run, only you know what you wish to do. I in no way am trying to come across as "Oh-you-need-to-do-this." Only you know all the ins and outs of it all. :)