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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The upper you go the downer you fall. Fast UP. Faster DOWN. Like a shooting star you blaze across the sky and disappear! Where do you go?

The upper you go the downer you fall. Fast UP. Faster DOWN. Like a shooting star you blaze across the sky and disappear! Where do you go?

15 minutes of fame. I think Avenatti got a lot more than 15 minutes. For awhile he was on every cable news channel every day and being treated as if he were an EXPERT in whatever was being discussed. All along he was a scumbag just like all the other scumbags. But he does have those memories of what used to be when he was a VIP. It will have to be enough. He is on  tape and audio extorting money from Nike. Allegedly. In New York. On the other coast in Los Angeles he is charged with embezzlement of a client's money to use for himself as well as wire fraud. Both carry very long sentences...decades long. If all allegations are true and proven and he is convicted he could face the rest of his life in prison.

Another dumb move by another crumbum stupid dumb. They never learn. Ya know why? Cuz each one truly thinks he is so much smarter than everyone else he will never be caught. That is where the stupid dumb shows up.

Posted - March 26, 2019
