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Is believing homo saps are all rotten lying SOB's a better way to go through life than believing they aren' t? Which hurts worse?

Posted - March 26, 2019


  • 46117
    Look at the beaming eyes of an infant.  That is what we ARE.

    We are corruptible.  That is what we KNOW.  We need to be aware of both.  We cannot just dismiss out of hand that the innocent beauty of a child will remain intact and pristine.  It is also very wise to remember this is our natural state and no one is divorced from this state.  This is our natural soul shining through.  No worries.  No time.  Just being.

    But... we are corruptible.  That doesn't mean we will be corrupted.  It means we grow and learn and process life in many ways.  We all have different experiences and we all seem to learn and grow pretty much the same. We are the human family and we should have compassion for this path we all share.  

    When we are individuals who do not, those individuals are the ones who are the rotten apples.  I mean the criminals.  The ones who do not care for anything but themselves.  That happens too.  But we must always keep compassion and wisdom in the forefront in dealing with them, lest we also become just like them.
      March 26, 2019 11:14 AM MDT

  • 113301
    The beaming-eyed infant depends on the corrupt to educate feed house clothe protect it. It has no chance at all of staying pure of heart in the corrupt environment of that home and those politics. None.  SIGH. Sad am I that all children are victims. All children are hostages. All children suffer for the evils of their parents and cannot escape becoming evil too....with few exceptions. Dark view.  Have you not been shocked to the very core of your being that so many millions support a man like that? I will never get over it. Thank you for your thoughtful reply Sharon. This post was edited by RosieG at March 27, 2019 6:26 AM MDT
      March 27, 2019 6:25 AM MDT

  • 6098
    If we do not realize that people are inherently selfish we are setting ourselves up for a world of hurt.  That is the survival instinct, taking care of number one. The social dimension, which we are capable of and created for, we must learn from our parents, education, religion, and others.  As well as our experiences.  The "beaming-eyed infant" knows only selfishness and is anything but pure, but being totally dependent upon us is still a part of us so we sentimentally project our own selfish desires for innocence and purity upon it. 

    So our religion teaches us to treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves even knowing that they are out for themselves.  And therein lies the challenge of living.  Which is why we must live to God because only in that way can we transcend our selfishnesses.  Otherwise all our relationships are solely for our own benefit - in other words selfish.  So though they may be good for us they do not necessarily do good because they are limited to what is good for us.  What God wants is what is good for everybody - not just the people we like or who do us good. 
      March 27, 2019 7:03 AM MDT

  • 7280
    And yet, loving our neighbors as we love ourselves is the second of the two great commandments.  Self love is the pattern for our love of our neighbors.

    Rabbi Hillel (Hillel the Elder):  "If I am not for myself, then who is for me?" and, "If not now, when?" 

    Appropriate selfishness leads to caring for others.
      March 27, 2019 9:27 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Well I do not agree.  Selfishness can benefit some people. But unless we transcend our selfishness through love - agape - we cannot love others in any way but selfishly. And selfishness only leads to gang thinking - my "gang" is better than yours.  Why - only because it is mine. Only be developing a social dimension can we even hope to think and act in terms of others as well as ourselves.  
      March 27, 2019 9:37 AM MDT