So if my cancer returns again and my insurance company no longer covers pre-existing conditions guess what folks? I shall die. I won't even bother getting treatment because even if I wiped us out financially I would still die. I'm old. So what if Don hastens my death? Who the he** cares? Welcome to futureworld. To die or not to die? That is the question. All you prodons out there better stay HEALTHY. Or be very wealthy. Your boy is gonna kills lots of folks. You don't mind do ya? I thought not.
I don't know if it's "greed".
But it does go against the national narrative.
Think of this ... we spend the first years of schooling, teaching American history as that of a people who fled oppressive regimes that had control over every aspect of their life - in order to make their own way in a new land. And that everybody in this new land is free to make their own success (or failure).
After indoctrinating generations of people to that, we ask them to accept that they should help others who couldn't succeed.
Of course people who realized "The American Dream" are going to ask "why?".