This tine Don don is determined to destroy wipe out eliminate entirely the AHCA. At the same time he promises once again that he will provide better and cheaper medical insurance. SIGH. And his peeps buy it. Go figger. Thank you for your reply Sharon and Happy Thursday.
Rosie. He is totally INSANE. What scares me is that there are a huge faction of people that are JUST AS NUTS AS HE IS. HUGE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE.
There is not ONE thing he does that would pass muster with any former leader of this nation. Not one deed. And yet, he keeps destroying and destroying right under our noses. WHY THE HELL IS THIS ALLOWED? Rhetorical question to which there is NO freaking answer.
Even Rachel Maddow is crying about this. AND THE MORONS on the RIGHT? They are mocking her on this dubbed version of the real news story.
So I gather you favor defunding the Special Olympics as well then? I see. You must be one of those obscenely wealthy folks franc. Good for you. I hope you live well and prosper. I cannot fathom you. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday.