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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » No jokes folks. It's a hoax folks! We ain't NEVER gonna get to read the Mueller Report no way no how no time. Why?

No jokes folks. It's a hoax folks! We ain't NEVER gonna get to read the Mueller Report no way no how no time. Why?

Because there are many truths therein that "the powers that be" will never let you see. Incriminating things. GHASTLY DASTARDLY HORRIFIC things. So it will be another case of "MEXICO WILL PAY FOR THE WALL" when y'all know that was a lie. It took the gubment TWO DAYS to release over 400 pages of the report vis a vis the CLINTON IMPEACHMENT. TWO DAYS! We are now one week LATER and what have we seen? A Don don appointee 4-page summation of the contents with a promise that it will take weeks not months to release anything more. Dog&Pony Show. Blue smoke and mirrors and bullsh**. We are in the dark. CONGRESS is in the dark. The toady sycophant Attorney General has no intention of allowing anyone to see anything at any time. More whitewash shoeshine prettying up of ugly. Wait. Watch. Count the days. Then whatever else may be released will be the cleaned up version that will have been approved by Don don and attested to by William Barr and then it will be swept under the rug locked away in a vault and never mentioned again. There was never any intention of releasing it. More lies. Sighs.

Posted - March 29, 2019
