Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» My newest favorite words, courtesy of California Congressman Adam Schiff? "I don't think it's OK". Did you see/hear what he said?
That Adam Schiff who says it is not right to talk to foreigners about getting dirt on an American political candidate? Did you see the transcript of his and some Russians who called and offered him pictures of naked Trump?
"There were pictures of naked Trump," one of the pranksters told Schiff, explaining that they were obtained by Putin's goddaughter.
Schiff asks: "And the materials you can provide to the committee and to the FBI, would they corroborate this allegation? ... So you have recordings... where they're discussing the compromising material?"
"Obviously we would welcome the chance to get copies of those recordings," Schiff tells them. "So we will try to work with the FBI to try to figure out how we can make copies of those... I'll be in touch with the FBI about this, and we'll make arrangements with your staff. I think it would be best to provide these materials to both our committee and the FBI. We'll make arrangements between my staff and yours on how to facilitate that."
He says he knew it was a prank, but he did send his people to get the "classified information" after the call.
Adam Schiff laid out for the world to see all the crimes Trump committed and how the GOP tries to cover them up.
Adam Schiff trying to get EVIDENCE is not the same thing. He was not trying to dig up lies. TRUMP's team was trying to LIE and cheat and LIE some more about Russia and all that went to cover up what they tried to do.
So, it is ok for Schifff to try and get evidence against a sitting American President but it is not okay for a campaign to try and get evidence against a rival candidate for President? Just trying to understand what is and is not okay.
IT IS HIS JOB. WE PAY HIM. Remember? And we need to put in the little incidentals. IT IS NOT OKAY TO DO ANY DIGGING ILLEGALLY. Schiff was on board. THE TRUMPS? WERE NOT.
That is the reason for the investigation in the first place?