How long does it take for a person to realize he/she is on the WRONG SIDE OF AN ISSUE and WRONG ABOUT THE CHARACTER OF A PERSON? If wrong is worshipped and right is excoriated what hope is there for us?
If evil is elevated and good is denigrated what hope is there for us?
If truth is denied and lies are celebrated what hope is there for us?
If lying and corrupting and criminalizing and betraying is what we admire what hope is there for us?
Evil is very convincing to those who are susceptible to it. Very deceitful. Very devious. Very insidious.
Very bellicose. Very belligerent. Very hostile. Very threatening. Very accusatory. Very dark. Very replete with hate and fear of "the other". Very demanding of complete and total obedience loyalty fealty worship.Very revengeful and retaliatory. What hope is there for us?
GET THEE AWAY FROM ME SATAN! Or "don't you just love him? Don't you just love y'all shouting LOCK HER UP? Don't you love cheering him when he is very hostile very pointing fingery very rabid very ranting very repetitive very loud very smirky very full of himself very very very incoherent incomprehensible blithering idiocy gibberishy?