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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Younger pols are less corrupt devious hateful fearful than the older ones. Because they're BETTER human beings or not as experienced YET?

Younger pols are less corrupt devious hateful fearful than the older ones. Because they're BETTER human beings or not as experienced YET?

You can start off VERY CORRUPT and DEVIOUSLY EVIL and the SPAWN OF THE DEVIL like Don don or you can maybe hopefully start off honest with good intentions and then see how things are and play along with them to keep your job and kiss a** the powerful so they don't crush you. Youth has its advantages. But all young grow old and along the way they become easier and easier to manipulate. How long will it take for youngsters to become as sleazy and soulless  and directionaless and heartless and mindless as the toady sycophants that Don don demands service him 24/7 OR ELSE? One term? One day? One week? One month? One year? How many pols get out of politics because they can't stand the ugly evil corruption? Or do they all just rollover and enjoy?

Posted - March 30, 2019
