I am told that is the kind of employer GOD is. I am told that HE loves all his children equally. HE does not require them to aspire to being honest or true or good. HE will accept whichever you is there. No wonder so many folks are drawn to Christianity. They can be as evil and ungodly and wicked and monstrous as they want to be. It matters not. GOD loves them all equally.
On the other side of that coin there are the following:
They are all about reaching perfection through reincarnation. Each life teaches different lessons and how you react to those lessons determines your fate in the next lifetime. Once you have reached that state of being..perfection... you no longer have to keep coming back. You are elevated and perfect and a finished product.
So of course if you are a typical average ordinary monstrous evildoer devoid of any goodness you will be drawn to Christianity right? Of course you will. No need to strive for being better ever. GOD loves you in any state you are forever and always. Or so some say.
So then if GOD loves evildoers doesn't HE also love evil or at least CONDONE IT? A reasonable GOD right? He created you to be you and whatever you that is, HE certainly won't admit you are imperfect. So evil away night and day. YOU ARE LOVED.
I dunno about you about you but that makes no sense to me. But then very little does these days. Very little.