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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » LOGIC is an endangered species. It is DISAPPEARING worldwide. Can we save it from extinction?

LOGIC is an endangered species. It is DISAPPEARING worldwide. Can we save it from extinction?

It is employed less and less in these trying times. What has replaced it is political spin which is "in". Is it a short-lived fad or what we are facing no matter what we do? Has LOGIC left the building? Why is it going going going GONE here there and everywhere? Is it TOO DANGEROUS to think logically and so it has been outlawed by the powers that be whose thinking abilities border on mediocrity. Logic scares them and so it must be destroyed! Anyone out there care?

Posted - March 31, 2019


  • 3719
    I fear you are right, Rosie.

    It's not only politicians in the governmental sense that are losing their sense of logic and analysis, but the flood of vociferous one-issue campaigners and fear-mongers too; some professional, some amateur. 
      March 31, 2019 3:02 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I'm no genius Durdle but I know when something makes sense and when it is gibberish. It is seriously driving me bonkers! The folks who think they are making good sense when all they are spouting is off-the-shelf prepackaged nonsense is staggering! Logic is beautiful. It is simple. It is unadorned. No gingerbread. Why is it so elusive? I wonder if those who talk nonsense seriously ever listen to themselves talk? Do they comprehend what they are communicating? Do they evaluate it FIRST before they let loose with it?  Is it a communicable disease to which some are more vulnerable and from which others are protected? Gibberish nonsense is the soup of the day....the piece de resistance! The louder and more often these gibberish folks employ it the more willing the vulnerable are to embrace it and repeat it and promote it and propagate it. AARRGGHH! I keep venting in response to your replies. Apologies. I'm very glad you responded as you did. Sometimes I think I m the madman (female version) alone out there in the wilderness shouting "doomsday is coming" and no one hears me. And the beat goes on! SIGH!  :)
      April 1, 2019 3:11 AM MDT

  • 3719
    I think some of those types do not want logic. They want their way and to hell with anything or anyone else.
      April 6, 2019 7:44 AM MDT