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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » There is no statute of limitations on the crimes that were committed. They don't just disappear after so many years. Why not eliminate ALL?

There is no statute of limitations on the crimes that were committed. They don't just disappear after so many years. Why not eliminate ALL?

No statute of limitations on anything ever forever. Unless the perp can UNDO  the crime he/she done done he/she doesn't deserve to be let off of anything for any reason. Well of course if the perp dies what are ya gonna do? Otherwise nail the bas**rd to the wall forever. Who agrees?

Posted - March 31, 2019


  • 6098
    It is one thing to disagree with someone. Or to dislike someone.   But quite another to disparage those you don't agree with or like, belittle them, accuse them of all kinds of horrors and defects and label them as "evil" and seek to prosecute and destroy them.  Message is:  You agree with me or you don't deserve to live as a free person.  What kind of a shallow, self-centered attitude is that? 
      March 31, 2019 8:43 AM MDT