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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » WHAT IF the only lives available to be lived were on the extreme edges of cruelly mean what would happen to the antis?

WHAT IF the only lives available to be lived were on the extreme edges of cruelly mean what would happen to the antis?

We do have a choice. EITHER support Dondon every day in every way no matter what that support supports OR be prepared to be targeted attacked crucified.

No middle ground. No fence sitting. No "maybe". No "it depends". No "I don't know". Only CAPITULATION AND ADULATION of the master OR death...slow or quick.

Give me liberty or give me death

Posted - April 2, 2019


  • 6098
    But we mostly support him because he protects us from the totalitarianism and resentment of the left. 
      April 2, 2019 7:06 AM MDT