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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » At one end is benign neglect/lack of caring or interest. At the other end is obsessive interference in every aspect of a business. SO?

At one end is benign neglect/lack of caring or interest. At the other end is obsessive interference in every aspect of a business. SO?

On the one hand you do want your government to look out for you. If the pharnaceutical company jacks up the price of say insulin from $100 for 3 insulin injectors to $800 for 3 you want someone to do something about the usurious outrgeous price. Right?

On the other hand you don't want someone coming in to control how you run your business to demand/change anything simply because he doesn't like you. That is petty grubby slimy sleazy. Isn't it?

Posted - April 3, 2019


  • 6098
    I'm in favor of some government regulation.  Where it affects the good of all citizens.  But I oppose the kind of onerous paperwork and multiple external auditing designed to harass and prevent business and banking from earning their keep.  Private businesses have the right to charge what they wish for their products.  Inter-business price-fixing is illegal.  We don't want to pay what they are asking we have the right to go somewhere else for it.  Businesses have many expenses and obligations.  If they are unable to realize a profit they cease to exist. 
      April 3, 2019 4:50 AM MDT