A marriage made in heaven. A him and a mini-him will stroll down lover's lane hand-in-hand together forever doing evil wherever they go. They will vow to be faithful to each other here and in the next wherever. Doesn't it make ya feel warm all over?
So Pence is a bobblehead dud. Except for looking at the old man lovingly and adoring 24/7 what does he DO? Why can't the old man pick someone more to his liking? Even if there are rules/laws against doing so well what the he** so what? That won't stop the old man because he is above the law above any rules and certainly historical tradition is nothing to him who values nothing and no one but himself. He does as he chooses to do 24/7. Why not that? Evil twin, younger skinnier version as he sidekick riding gunshot. Woodenit be LOVERLY?